Monday, February 15, 2010


We have had quite an 'exciting' past week or so. :)
Grant decided last week to try to come a bit early. I was a bit dehydrated which put me into labor. Silly baby decided he wanted out.
He is just a little too early... (He still have 9 weeks to cook!) I am now dilated to a 2, so I have to be pretty careful. I got pumped full of fluids at the hospital, and got to watch baby Grant kick the heck out of the heart beat monitor. The nurse didn't think it was that great, because every time he did, it would send off the alarms because it would throw off the heartbeat.... Already a kidder for sure!But, today at the doctor, they moved our due date from April 28th, to April 20th! Yay! That's a whole week gone! I am a week away from being 32 weeks, and the doctor said after that, they won't stop the labor.

We are excited to meet our sweet baby boy in April. We can't wait to snuggle with our babe.

1 sweet thoughts:

Andre said...

Be careful and good luck!